Netflix US en France

French people don’t necessarily live exclusively in France – there are all kinds of travelling souls that chase their dreams, ambitions and professions. Basically, it might take some time for you to get accustomed to the various traditions of the countries you are visiting, but you don’t need to make a 180-degree turn – there are still some things that you can use, such as for example, your won Netflix and VPN.

We’re talking about the universal Netflix US en France – your Netflix subscription is still valid, regardless of where you are.

Why consider Les Meilleurs VPN

First of all, the catalogue of shows on Netflix is different based on whether you are using an American or French subscription. Even before that, the subtitles and spoken language of certain shows is also different.

In certain cases you will be able to find shows that are on your native language, but would you really enjoy your free casual time watching a show on a foreign language without any form of captions whatsoever? That’s just one of the reasons why we’re recommending you that you switch over to Les Meilleurs VPN – it’s easily accessible from virtually any point on the globe.

Netflix US en France

Moreover, we did mention that the catalogue of shows is surprisingly different whether you’re using the Netflix Americain or a French version of Netflix.

French vs American Netflix

Some people think that just because Netflix is originally an American invention, all other versions are just a form of adaption. Now, in a nutshell, that’s basically true. However, French Netflix operates on the same principle, uses virtually the same form of coding, and, of course, hosts a different set of shows.

Now, some people who aren’t very familiar with the English (American) language actually like subscribing to American Netflix version in hopes that they’ll get to know the accent better. If that’s not the case, we strongly suggest that you take up the French Netflix.

Lastly, what about your favourite shows? What about the Spiral, Braquo, Plus Belle La, The Adventures of TinTin, Fais Pas ci, Fais Pas Ca, Camera Cafe, and others? Most of these are not available on American or any other Netflix version.

Other reasons why you should consider Les Meilleurs VPN

Apart from all the usual and logical reasons why a French Netflix is better than American Netflix for you, there are all kinds of other reasons why you should consider Les Meilleurs VPN. First and foremost – you’re going to need a secure virtual private network wherever you are, and not just any, but a reliable one.

Hackers and other types of virtual criminals are on the prowl, so the easiest way to protect your data (and your Netflix account, among other things) is to hook up to a VPN. Avoid free Wi-Fi hot spots, regardless of the fact that they’re cheap, as that’s the easiest way to get your identity stolen. The Les Meilleurs VPN gives you all you need while you’re abroad, and then some.